News Bulletin from West Africa

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Niger: A report from the Associated Press warns of a rise in hunger across the western and central parts of the Africa continent. UNICEF estimates, “More than 1 million children under 5 in this wide, arid swath of Africa below the Sahara are now at risk of a food shortage so severe that it threatens their lives.” The article also states, “Hunger in this region is a lurking predator that never quite leaves, and comes back every year to pick off the weakest.” Through Equipping the Nations you can help provide for these children and families in West Africa that are facing starvation.

Thank you for your prayers and support that make it possible for us to minister to those in need around the world.

Andy and Emily Clark




HaitiSaturday, June 9th, we celebrated our 23rd graduation from New Life Bible School. Seven graduated with a diploma in theology and nine with a bachelor degree in  theology. A total of 16 men and women equipped for effective service in Christ. We thank God for over 350 alumni who are serving in various areas of ministries: lay leaders, evangelists, pastors, teachers and as apostles. Our alumni are ministering to over one hundred thousand people on a weekly basis all over the country of Haiti and in other lands. We rejoice in God’s grace and faithfulness!

Roger & Margaret Clark

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