Bible School

Sharing the Gospel through our Bible School ministries.

A church is only as strong as its leadership, and one of the greatest needs of the church around the world is trained leadership. ETN has Bible Schools in Burundi and Haiti and provides leadership seminars in a number of nations to equip the church for the work of the ministry.


Sylvestre and Jocelyne

Jean and Felicite

ETN Bible School

Grace Bible School In Burundi

GRACE BIBLE SCHOOL is a two-year Bible School program bringing much needed training for pastors and church leaders. Pictured here are our Bible School teachers and their wives.


ETN Bible School

New Life Bible College In Haiti

NEW LIFE BIBLE COLLEGE has been training Christian workers for over 30 years with over 500 graduates. You can give $30 a month for a Bible School scholarship or a one-time gift of $360.

Be a part of what God is doing in these last days, support our Bible School Ministry