About Our Founders


Ministering to the Nations

About ETN Founders

Andy Clark, the president of Equipping the Nations, was born in Africa to missionary parents and lived in Africa until he was sixteen years old. After graduating from high school in Tulsa, Oklahoma, Andy worked as a construction welder for three years before sensing the call of God to go to Bible School to prepare to be a missionary. Upon finishing Bible School, Andy went as a missionary to Haiti for nine years, where he trained pastors and helped start three Bible Schools for three different organizations. It was in his seventh year as a missionary in Haiti that Andy met Emily, who was from Florence, South Carolina, and on a two-week mission trip to Haiti. Six months later they were married and served together for another year and a half in Haiti.

From Haiti, God called Andy and Emily to minister in Kenya and Uganda, East Africa, where during their eight years there they established a Bible School in each country to train pastors and church leaders. During their time in Africa, God blessed Andy and Emily with three children: Kevin, Candace, and Nicole. Upon returning to America in 1997 from Kenya, Andy and Emily were on staff at The House of Prayer in Chesterfield, Virginia, from 1997 to 2006, where Andy served in outreach ministries and as Director of the Bible School. From 2007 to 2011 Andy was the Associate Director of the American office of World Horizons, a global mission organization with about three hundred and fifty missionaries to unreached people groups around the world.
In January 2012 Andy and Emily launched their own mission organization, Equipping the Nations, dedicated to equipping God’s people at home and around the globe to be what God has called, gifted, and destined them to be for His glory and His kingdom.

Prayerfully consider supporting Andy and Emily Clark and their ministry to the nations. Feel free to contact Andy if you or your church would like to become more involved in missions.

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