Children's Home

ETN Children’s Homes

ETN helps children’s homes in Kenya and Burundi
to provide a family environment, food, clothing,
and an education for orphaned or abandoned children.


ETN Children's Home

Tumani Home In Burundi

TUMAINI CHILDREN’S HOME is for orphaned and abandoned children. Thanks to donors like you, we were able to build a new home last year that currently has nineteen children who are sleeping in their own bed for the first time in their lives and able to eat off a table instead of sitting on the floor. Partner with us to help provide monthly support for food, clothing, and education for these precious children.


ETN Children's Home

Hope Family Children's Home in Kenya

Hope Family Children’s Home was established in 2004 in Bungoma, Kenya where Emily and I served as missionaries for eight years. It is run by co-workers of ours, Bishop Ogara and his wife Emily, who give loving care to about thirty orphaned or abandoned children. Their goal is to provide a good Christian home environment for these children, along with basic need such as food, clothing, and a good education. You can help provide the needs of these children though a one-time gift or monthly support.

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