News Bulletin from Haiti

The excerpt below is from my brother Roger and his wife Margaret who have served in Haiti for over 25 years and trained hundreds of pastors through their four year accredited Bible School. If God speaks to you to help, you can give to Equipping the Nations and I will get the money to Roger. Thanks.

Andy Clark



Haiti – We are coming to the close of the school year for New Life Bible School. It has been a good school year. We had over 120 students in attendance. We will be graduating 19 students Lord willing on June 9th, 2012. These students have worked hard to put themselves through school and spent much time in study. Many of us do not know the sacrifices they have made to make this happen since there are no loans or grants available to them as would be in the Unites States.

We wanted to make you aware of a crisis that the Bible School is facing, which we face almost yearly, since the amount the students pay only covers about 75% of the total school budget. We do not have the funds to pay any of the teachers their salaries for the month of May. We need to come up with $4,000 by the end of May. This troubles us greatly because we know how they depend on this income. Most don’t have anything to fall back on when hard times hit.

We ask you to pray and see what God would have you do.

We thank God for you always.

Roger & Margaret Clark

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