
We live in the most exciting days of the history of the church. The gospel is spreading and the church is growing at an unprecedented rate. We live in the generation that could see the fulfillment of John’s vision in Revelation 5:9, where people from every tribe, tongue, people and nation are standing before the throne worshiping the Lamb. Contact us if you are interested in making a mission trip.


Make Equipping the Nations your connection to missions.

 Contact us and be a part of what God is doing in these last days. Together we can make a difference!

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One of the most powerful things we can do is to equip and enable the church in other nations to carry out the work of the ministry. There are families in places like India and Niger who, often at great personal sacrifice, have moved into villages that have no Gospel message to plant a church as a light to the glory of God. These are villages that would never be reached by missionaries because of the harsh living conditions, but they can be transformed by these evangelist/pastors through a small monthly gift or by helping establish a micro business, agricultural, or community project. Contact us today to see how you can be a part of Equipping the Nations.

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